
This blog represents my attempt to write in Japanese. This is all my own work and the many mistakes will remain mostly uncorrected unless someone comments on line.


Great Book Read/Track training tonight

いま 私 の あたま が いたい です。
今日 私 は "What I talk about when I talk about running" :Haruki Murakami. を 読みました。とても とても よかった です。とてもたのしかった です。
あっつ で 私 は ODE FIELD に 行きます。でも 私 の 足 いたい です。
Currently I have a head ache.
Today I read "What I talk about when I talk about running" by Haruki
It was very very good. I enjoyed reading it very much.
Later today I will go to Ode Field to run. Even though my leg is sore.

今日 わたし は 日本語 を べんきょう を します。いっしょおけんめい 働いて です。
Today I will study Japanese. I plan to work hard.

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